Full Cry Wateree Hounds Huntclub Magazine (Pages 50-53)
A native of South Carolina, Kat Chrysostom was honored to have been interviewed by a magazine set in the low country of where she was raised. Although Kat has been featured in many publications over the years, this one hit home—literally.

Ohio Equestrian Directory (Pages 28-30)
When asked to write about getting back in the saddle after an accident, Kat replied honestly... This article welcomed the opportunity for Kat to share a raw, unfiltered version of life after an accident. Read how Kat embraced the pivot and how animals, science, and behavior helped her accomplish this.

Benefab® & Handy Holsters® Partner with Durvet (Pages 20-21)
It is every entrepreneur’s dream for their product to be sold far and wide. For Kat Chrysostom, founder of Benefab® and now CEO of Handy Holsters®, this dream has been an organic progression as she has seen store after store become successful resellers of these lines. The reality of scaling this process by partnering with Durvet—the leading Animal Health Distributor— has now come to fruition.

Decidedly Equestrian
Most of us dog owners know that finding the right product to aid in healing and promoting recovery from an injury, surgical procedure, or health condition can be overwhelming. There are a LOT of products that may or may not work for different breeds, injuries, and activity levels. With six dogs on our ranch, we have tried SEVERAL products in the last few years. The Benefab Canine Comfort Suit has been a game changer...

SPANX - the Red Backpack Fund
"Since a young age, I have always been drawn to entrepreneurial endeavors. To many, the lifestyle appears adventurous and exciting—and in many ways it is—but there is a constant lurking of the unknown. Knowing that you will be the last one standing, the one signing the checks, and the final decision maker is something that I have never taken lightly. On the bright side of that, there are other entrepreneurs that are doing the same thing, making waves in their industry, and truly there to support you. One of those people is Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx®. Her story is one to remember and admire. When COVID began, there were many uncertainties for everyone, including me. In an effort to be proactive, I applied for the Red Backpack fund to help in closing a gap that I felt would be inevitable in the not too distance future. Out of 70,000 applicants, we were one of 1,000 that received this grant, and I couldn’t be more grateful for Sara’s generosity and pledge to the future of small, women-owned businesses. She once said that a dream of hers was to arrive at an airport and see women wearing these “lucky” red backpacks that she gifted to each recipient. So, here's to seeing you in an airport one day, Sara, with my red backpack in tow!"

This message has become increasingly important to Kat over time. She is so grateful to TEDx for the opportunity to share this message from their stage. Life is complicated and beautiful, serene and tumultuous, but it’s never one or the other. Thats what makes life so interesting—it’s constantly evolving.
Kat's horse, Para, and her journey has been loaded with some of the darkest times, but they have also been able to embrace the sunshine for life’s most beautiful moments. If you’re able to take a few minutes out of your day to watch this, they both appreciate it and thank you from the bottom of their hearts.

Extraordinary Women Radio
Kat was honored to be recognized as an Extraordinary Woman in an interview by Kami Guildner on her podcast, Extraordinary Women Radio! In the interview, Kat shares what gave her purpose to keep going when things felt hopeless and how you can do the same. Check it out at https://www.kamiguildner.com/ewr-kat-chrysostom-191/ We'd love it if you’d share this interview with your community! Help us spread the good word!

Kat Chrysostom
eWomenNetwork, CEO & Founder, Sandra Yancey asked Benefab® CEO &Founder, Kat Chrysostom, to sit down for an action packed, energizingconversation about getting in the 'Million Dollar' mindset! Kat spoke alongwith some other top performers—She shared her insights and empowered otherwomen to master a winning mindset.

Equestrian Author Spotlight Podcast
Kat was featured on Equestrian Author Spotlight Podcast where she spoke about her struggles and triumphs in growing—along with her newfound interest in health and wellness—into Benefab®, a business specializing in wearable therapeutic products for horses and people.

Power to Grow
Donna Gammon had a chance to interview Kat Chrysostom on her popular podcast Power To Grow.Take some time to listen into learn a little more about the miraculous story of Kat’s tragedy and success of how Benefab® came to be. Also, purchase anything through the Benefab® website and add Kat’s book, Broken to Branded, to your cart, then use code BOOK at checkout to receive your free copy.

Downtown Neighbors Magazine
Kat was featured in Ocala's Downtown Neighbors Magazine in October 2019. They shared her story and talked about how she overcame her hardships and became a business owner.

Focus On Winning
We had the chance to talk with Asyraaf Fero, a Podcaster and Entrepreneur, who spoke with Kat regarding her success with Benefab® and what it took to get her to where she is today. She openly discussed her riding accident that left her paralyzed for 18 months and how she turned such a tragedy into her daily success and reminder to keep pushing on.Listen to the podcast to learn more.

TEDx Ocala
Kat Chrysostom spoke at a TEDx event of personal accounts of the problems and challenges in this area as an entrepreneur and her proposals to level the playing field. She painted a picture of what impact control and portability of our data would have on people around the globe. As Chrysostom stated, “the people will benefit more as the monopolies become less powerful and competition and small business rise.”

Great Day Live
Great Day LIVE features Kat Chrysostom to talk about her journey from paralysis to entrepreneur.
To learn more about her products and company, visit BenefabProducts.com

The Source Radio
Kat Chrysostom featured on WOCA The Source Radio talking about how she overcame the obstacles to get where she is now.

The Plaid Horse
“Today’s equine entrepreneur has an incredible story behind how she founded her company, Benefab® by Sore-No-More®. Not only that, but she’s recently published her first book — how’s that for staying busy! Today, Kat Chrysostom, chats with us about her experience with far-infrared light therapy, process getting where she is today and passion to get up and work hard every day.”

Pitbull Patti Show
A near-fatal horse riding accident changed Kat Chrysostom’s life forever. At just 20 years old, she suffered a triple fracture of the C-2 vertebrae. Paralyzed, she lay in the hospital as doctors discussed surgery that would leave her never to walk again. In Kat’s book “Broken to Branded,” she shares how she fought to rebuilt her life and her health.

The Dots Podcast
“Today’s equine entrepreneur has an incredible story behind how she founded her company, Benefab® by Sore-No-More®. Not only that, but she’s recently published her first book — how’s that for staying busy! Today, Kat Chrysostom, chats with us about her experience with far-infrared light therapy, process getting where she is today and passion to get up and work hard every day.”

Heal Better Fast Podcast
“Kat Chrysostom, the founder and owner of Benefab® by Sore No-More®. Her mission is to take great ideas and create products that make a difference in the lives and health of both horses and people.Kat loves riding horses, but in 2011 suffered a riding injury that left her temporarily paralyzed with a triple fracture of the C-2 vertebrae. She was told that she would never ride again.”

The Northwest Horse Source
Read her story of overcoming adversity and the struggles of going from broken to branded!

Ask Annie Podcast
In Episode 6 of the #AskAnniePodcast Annie sits down with Kat Chrysostom, founder and owner of Benefab® Products, to get an in-depth explanation of the benefits these products bring to horses, as well as Kat’s inspiring story that led her to founding her company. She then reviews Benefab’s Therapeutic Smart QuickWrap and Therapeutic Poll Pad.

Holistic Horse
Kat has written multiple articles for Holistic Horse. Check out her stories below!

DogCast Radio
In Episode 208 of DogCast Radio, you can hear how Kat Chrysostum invented benefab, a fabric that is helping dogs to life as healthily and happily as possible. When Duschanca Singh met rescue dog Jayda at the Mayhew, it was love at first sight. Plus the DogCast Radio News with stories of dogs around the world who are being bribed, learning to cope with being blind, training to lead visually impaired people – and one emotional roller-coaster of a story!